The Chiang Group

Soochow University

Selective chemical modification of biomolecules

Development of photoredox and electrochemical sensitive catalysts

Small molecule activation and bioinorganic chemistry

Our Research

  • Biomacromolecule Material

    Utilizing the innovative method of photoredox/electrochemical bioconjugation, we have successfully developed a diverse range of biomacromolecule materials with enhanced properties. Notably, we have synthesized silk materials functionalized with phenothiazine and incorporated single atoms of various metals. These advanced biomacromolecule materials exhibit tremendous potential for catalyzing small molecule activation processes.

  • Photoredox/Electrochemical Bioconjugation

    Bioconjugation reactions have revolutionized the modification of peptides and proteins, allowing for enhanced functionality and diverse applications. In our recent endeavors, we have focused on harnessing the power of visible-light induced photoredox catalysis and electrochemical catalysis reactions to unlock novel possibilities in synthetic and bioconjugation chemistry. By utilizing biocompatible energy inputs, we have made significant strides in the field of peptide and protein modification.

  • Biomimetic Catalyst Design

    The enzyme nitric oxide reductase (NOR) has captured significant attention due to its remarkable capability to selectively bind and reduce nitric oxide. Biomimetic studies have demonstrated that the iron center within NOR can retain a diiron(III)-μ-oxo intermediate. Motivated by this finding, our principal objective is to conceptualize and synthesize a series of photo/electro-sensitive NOR biomimetic complexes. By employing a combination of photoredox and electrochemical synthesis methodologies, we aim to unlock the synergistic potential of these approaches and gain a comprehensive understanding of the functionality of metal-oxygen species in NOR mimics.

Group News

Group News

Congrats to Ci-Yang on winning the “CTCI Foundation Chemistry Outstanding College Student Award”.

Congrats to Hong-Li and Ting-Jun on winning 3rd place in "Li"deas Creative Competition of Soochow University.

Congrats to Ting-Jun on receiving Thesis Award and Ci-Yang on winning Poster Presentation Award in 2024 Chemistry National Meeting.